Our service

The Database of Religious Communities of Hungary (MAVALLKA) is an online service that provides public access to data on religious communities in Hungary.

Our service is a data collection service, not directly related to the listed denominations.

Map viewer - even by denomination

A freely browsable map that shows which religious communities are located in a given area, providing us with their details and contact information.

Browseable categories

You can view the data of religious communities in Hungary, sorted by status (active, defunct, defunct uncertain), denomination and county.

Denominations' data

The data sheet of a denomination contains basic information about the institution that is freely available on the website, such as: name, legal status, name of the official representative, primary site, sites per municipality (based on GIS), link to own websites

Map database

Check our map database and browse our categories.

Continuous improvements

From time to time, we strive to develop our database in line with our timeframe, updating and maintaining existing data.

In-depth research

More detailed research on the religious communities of certain cities has been carried out and can be found on the community's fact sheet. Our aim is to produce as much in-depth research as possible on these communities.

Data corrections

For communities not yet in the database, please fill in our submission form. If there is an error, please let us know using the Contact form and we will correct it within a few days.